Hi all,
Mike has sent news of the following cool stuff at Fizzle!
Hello all, the gig arranged for the 22nd January has had to be moved to 26th.
Sorry if this means that you cant make it!Saturday 26th January, 8:30pm.
The Lamp Tavern.
£5/3Mark Lockett(electric keyboards) Trevor Lines(electric bass) Lluis Mather(sax) Ric Yarborough(drums).
Eminent ethnomusicologist and multi instrumentalist Lockett with long time collaborator Trevor Lines and talented young improvisers Mather and Yarborough.Next gig will be Chris Hobbs/Virginia Anderson/Bruce Coates on 5th Feb.
more info www.blambirmingham.co.ukThanks!
This Saturday’s improv gig is full of talent, so it’s worth checking out. Also, note that the 5 Feb will be the EMC improv date in Birmingham, with EMCfounder Chris Hobbs (on keyboards and bits), EMCgal Virginia Anderson (clarinets), and EMCdude (the designer of the pretty EMC logo) Bruce Coates (sax). Come along if you can, and say ‘hi’!